
Safety of equipment and workers

The food-processing industry accounts for tens of thousands of jobs in Algeria. Investing in the safety of men and machines is a vital priority for companies in this field. This is why prevention is the first step in terms of risk management, regardless of the size of the company (large industrial group or craft company).

Preventing risks

Whether in terms of painful work conditions, accidents at work, health control, management of PPE…etc, the management of workers’ health and safety in the food industry include several levers that the company must think about and use in an organized and orderly manner for several reasons:

  1. Regulatory compliance: meeting legal requirements in terms of occupational health and safety,
  2. Human Resources policy: preventing absenteeism due to occupational illness, employee loyalty, etc.
  3. Brand image: in the era of social networks and videos on the internet, it is no longer possible to “hide” your shortcomings.

Moreover, only properly maintained equipment can ensure a production without risk of breakdown, longevity of the equipment and safety of the food produced. In this context, CEI HALFAOUI’s experts will help you to comply with regulatory obligations in terms of occupational health and safety, to develop an ISO-certified organization, to protect your consumers and to manage the risks related to your value chain (production, packaging, storage, transport and distribution).

Let’s get in touch

You want to find out more about our services in this field ? Contact us today !